European Neolithic DNA

The Neolithic Period or otherwise known as  New Stone Age.

Neolithic is the term used particularly in anthropology and archaeology as designation of either technological development or cultural evolution.

These can be characterized with the thorough use of various stone tools, presence of crafts like weaving and pottery as well as existence of settled villages that are dependent on domesticated animals and plants.

It Varies on the Expert

Cultural content as well as time period is indicated by the term that’s varying in the geographical location of the considered culture and with particular criteria used by experts working on it domestication of animals and plants are normally distinguishes.

The Neolithic way of life from the early Mesolithic or Paleolithic fishing, hunting as well as other food gathering cultures have contributed to the birth of Neolithic period. Mesolithic Era has shown a smooth transition from food collection to food producing culture. With the termination of Neolithic period, it marked new innovations like the rise of urban civilizations or perhaps, the use of writing or metal tools. Once again, every criterion will be a case to case basis.

It has its Fair Share of Influence

Believe it or not, the first known advancement in Neolithic culture was in Southwest Asia that’s between 8000 to 6000 BC. Here, plant and animal domestication was initiated by Mesolithic Natufian peoples which also lead to the construction of villages.
