New International Study Upholds Common Ancestor Theory between Japanese, Korean and Turkish People

An international study reveals that Turkish, Japanese and Korean languages all came from a common ancestor that lived in ancient China about 9.000 years ago.

The team of international researchers explained that the ancient Transeurasian family, a.k.a. Altaic have been traced to have existed as the early millet farmers of the Liao valley. Consequently, about 9,000 years ago the five linguistic families, namely Japonic, Koreanic, Mongolic, Turkic and Tungusic had spread in northeast China for purposes of agriculture.

The five groups are related up to a certain degree because they all came from a common ancestor. Although this has been an area of contention among scholars before, the international team said that their recent studies show a reliable body of evidence supporting the common ancestor theory.

The Familial Connections Between the 5 Ancient Groups Strengthened by Results of Liguistic Analysis

In addition to archaeological and genetic evidence, their linguistic analysis show their languages had spread via the same route. The millet farmers had moved from the west into Siberian steppes, and proceeded east into Korea and Japan. when the ancient farmers migrated across northeast Asia. The new research also suggested that millet is an ancient cereal that provided a connection between farmers, hunter-gather societies and nomadic tribes.

According to the lead researchers from Germany’s Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, the science of human history depicts the history of all people, their culture and languages as extensions of their mixture and interactions.
